When was the last time you came across a diet that didn't restrict you? Whether it's paleo, keto, or any other trending diet, the first thing you have shoved in your face is a list of foods to avoid. If you're trying to lose weight, the best thing to do is consult an expert who can recommend a diet plan suitable for you. This will enable sustainable weight loss and help you maintain your heart health, which is exactly what the DASH diet does.

Pexels | The DASH diet focuses on food items that are good for the human body
What is the DASH diet?
Developed to lower hypertension without the need for medication, the DASH diet focuses on foods you should eat when trying to maintain optimal health without kicking out any nutritional group from your diet.
Similar to the Mediterranean diet, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet emphasizes the consumption of fiber-rich fruits and veggies, whole grains, poultry, fish, nonfat/low-fat dairy, seeds, nuts, legumes, and vegetable oils. Alongside that, it advises that people limit their saturated fats such as full-fat dairy, meats, and tropical oils, as well as their sweets and sugar-sweetened beverages.

Pexels | With the DASH diet, you'll feel happy consuming your meals
Benefits of the DASH diet
The US News & World Report consistently ranks the DASH diet as one of the leading diets to follow. This claim is backed by a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-funded study which indicated that participants following the diet exhibited significantly improved heart health and lower blood pressure. Other benefits of the diet included aided and successful weight loss, as well as a decrease in cancer-risk indicators within the body.
How to Get Started on the Diet
Before you jump on the DASH diet bandwagon, it is recommended that you seek specialized suggestions from your doctor. They can factor in your heart disease risk, weight, and blood pressure to determine if the diet is appropriate for you.
Remember to mention your medication if you're taking any, so the doctor has a clear picture of your medical health. Next, take the time to assess where you are in your health journey and where you hope to be in a specified period of time. Start small by planning and prepping for your first week's meals only.

Pexels | You might want to grab a DASH diet cookbook or head over to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutes’ first-week meal plan
Final Note
Besides eating right, in order to have a healthy body and mind, you need to be physically active, get sufficient sleep, limit your alcohol intake, and quit smoking.