Sometimes people get stuck in a routine and don’t stop to assess whether that way of doing things is still viable or if there are better ways of going about them. Part of that routine is dressing up for work every day because traditionally, you have to leave your house on weekdays to sit in an office somewhere before it can be said that you do valid work.

We Work Remotely | Remote work actually helps you live a more productive life
Remote work is not a novel idea in any way, and as unfortunate as the pandemic is, there’s no denying that one benefit of its occurrence is that it has forced remote work back into the light. And whether it is by choice or not, many people now have to get things done remotely.
A somewhat newly discovered truth is that remote work actually helps you live a more productive life. When working remotely, you are solely responsible for your time and how it is managed. Having this kind of control over your schedule has a lot of advantages.
No more commuting to meet up with the start of work at 9 a.m. and commuting back home after work by 5 p.m. When you consider the amount of extra time spent on the road, only to get home tired and have to prepare once again to repeat the process the next day, you’ll find that a lot of valuable time is being thrown away.
This is time that you can actually allocate to some personal things in your life that are very vital for your personal development, and it allows you to have more time for family and relationships, not to mention how much stress is being averted by not having to transport yourself to and from work every day.

Thrive Global | A lot of valuable time is spent commuting from work every day
Research has also shown that over 30 minutes of daily commuting is linked to increased stress and anxiety levels. Eliminating this necessity is better for your health in different ways, like being able to get an adequate and healthy amount of sleep, or having the time to prepare a healthy clean breakfast rather than rushing out after a quick cereal.
Productivity working from home isn’t only personal; it also translates into the workplace. Remote work offers a lot fewer distractions that come with being in an office with other workers. It also helps avoid the unhealthy power struggle between employees and helps them focus more on the work that needs to be done.
This allows you to focus better on getting tasks done properly because that’s the only real measure of your efficiency in the workplace as it rightly should. It also helps you have a better relationship with your boss and with colleagues.

Time Doctor Blog | According to the statistics, people working remotely work one extra day a week and are 47% more productive
Over the course of the year, many studies have also revealed that there’s increased productivity when working from home compared to working in an office setting. According to the statistics, people working remotely work one extra day a week and are 47% more productive.